This prayer can support your discernment process, your preparation process, and / or your integration process.
Spirit of Love who wraps around us all,
Draw near to me now.
Help me feel the infusion of your love in each inhale and exhale.
You are the sap who runs in the trees, the burst towards life that reaches out of branch tips into leaves in the springtime.
And you are also the color and the tumble and the letting go, the rot of autumn.
You gather life energy and you release it back into the swirl of death that makes life possible.
Teach me now to be like the leaves.
My body is making new life, incubating possibility, sap running, leaves beginning to reach outward.
Draw near to me now and root my feet in love as I prepare to release those leaves back to the Earth, their death nourishing the fertility and the love that grounds my life.
Help me see how I am Earth, life and death and reach and bloom and decay, all. Help me remember that a choice that is in integrity with love is a holy choice.
You who know all parts of me, be the song in my grief and the fire in my love. Hold me tenderly and rock me in the healing waters of your love.