Deuteronomy 30:15,19
15 Look, I’ve given you two choices today: you can have life with all the good things it brings, or death and all the bad things it brings.
19 I’m calling on the heavens and the earth to be the witnesses against you. I gave you the choice today between life and death, between being blessed or being cursed. Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live!
Beloved Child of God
This day you have chosen life— are choosing life.
You are choosing the life God gave you, endowed with beauty and nuance and fullness. You are the image of God and you matter in and of yourself, regardless of what your body can do, regardless of what roles you may ever occupy, regardless of what you may ever do or what may be done to you, regardless, regardless, regardless…
You are the rich and unrelenting image of God and you are worthy of life with all the good things it brings.
Perhaps you already know this deep in the depths of who you are, but it bears repeating in this tender time, with all the heavens and the earth as my witnesses. Your abortion is choosing life—your life—and that too is holy.